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Our Chapter History

Shamrock Royal Arch Chapter No. 354 Kircubbin was constituted on 31st July 1918.  It is governed by the District Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Down under the authority of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland.



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An original order of service from our Constitution and Consecration Ceremony held on  31st July 1918 




​Royal Arch Freemasonry is open to all Craft Master Masons of at least one years standing and is a natural progression in Masonry which all Craft Master Masons are encouraged to join.​


Today, Shamrock Royal Arch Chapter continues to grow in numbers and allows Masons to further their Masonic journey

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Our Warrant

In 1911 the new hall was built and a ceremony of Dedication held.   It was performed by The Provincial Grand Master of Down - R W Bro R G Sharman Crawford D L. 
Today the hall is called the Kircubbin Masonic Centre

There is one Craft Lodge and one Royal Arch Chapter who sit here.


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Here is a short video of our Chapter Room

Shamrock Royal Arch Chapter No. 354 Kircubbin      © 2021                                                                                                             



Web Master  Ex Comp Mark Hammond



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